Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Next Up Inspiration: Viktor Frankl

TED.com features a video on Viktor Frankl entitled, Why To Believe in Others. The video was shot in May of 1972 and was posted on TED.com, May of 2011. In the video Frankl speaks on the issues on what young peoples interest in their search for the meaning of life. He believes that our youth only focuses on the search for making money. His researches lead him to believe that 16% of all students in school, main objective goal in life is to make money. While 78% expressed that their main objective in life is to find meaning and a purpose in life. Mr. Frankl also trusts that as individuals, we should assist one another by helping each other advance in life. He states that, if we take man as he is, we make that man worst.  But if we take a man for what he should be, we can make him capable of what he can become.

Many may think differently about Viktor Frankl opinion, with how individuals may feel about their main objective in life; especially, young adults. Compared to when Frankl made his thesis, and how he feels about the new generation’s thoughts and opinions of living life. Some say that the main goal of making money is the goal of reaching for success.  In our society today, money is normally defined as how successful individual really is. Other may say that money can’t buy you love or happiness, but some say that money can buy you love and happiness. Then the question to the thought would be, “Is it real love?”

Viktor Frankl inspired the audience by trying to convey the understanding of what’s more important to life, money or understanding your meaning and purpose in life.  He conveys the significant events and how he over came adversity; with how time changed with the young individuals mind focus in life over the past few years.

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